Watch comparison

This logic group compares three clock times with each other, reports whether there is a discrepancy and, if there is a discrepancy, displays the difference.

An additional group of logic editor elements requests the clock times necessary for the test.

In the logic group, the three clock times from the respective sections are compared as follows:
- first and second time
- first and third time and
- second and third time
with each other.

The procedure. After the minute-by-minute request from the time transmitters, the logic group receives the times from three different areas (in this example, building areas) via the inputs.

In the first step, the difference for the day of the week, hour and minute is formed. Whether there is a deviation in the three differences is checked with the following comparator.

As soon as one of the three comparators reports "TRUE", this is reported via the "Range X&Y clock fault" output. For this purpose, the three comparators "Difference day?", "Difference hour?" and "Difference minute?" are OR-linked via the "Binary logic" element.

by Oliver Grosch

Watch comparison

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.